October 30, 2007Rutland Herald
http://www.rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071030/NEWS03/710300396/1004/NEWS03 Staff Report
MONTPELIER — The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) announced Monday that 22 schools received a total of $1.6 million in Infrastructure Awards through the Agency's Safe Routes to School program, including a school in Fair Haven.
Safe Routes to School is a federally funded safety program that is administered through VTrans. The program, which supplies money for bicycle and pedestrian improvements, has a goal of increasing the number of students who can safely walk or ride bikes to school.
"Safe Routes to School is about kids walking and biking to school regularly, routinely, and safely," VTrans Secretary Neale Lunderville said in a news release. "The program is an opportunity to have schools and communities work together to solve some of their pressing safety, environmental and health challenges."
VTrans received 26 applications for a total request of $3.8 million. Awards were granted to safety projects that include sidewalks, improved crossings, school zone signs and traffic calming.
Thirty schools across the state have participated in the program since the 200-6/2007 school year.
A complete list of schools and awards is provided below:
Beeman Elementary School, New Haven: Construction of 160 feet of new sidewalk from North Street to school entrance — $42,773.
BFA Fairfax, Fairfax: Feasibility study for improvements to non-motorized travel within 1/4 mile of school — $30,000.
Bristol Elementary and Middle Schools, Bristol: Feasibility study of Pine Street bike/ped improvements, school traffic circulation and Lovers Lane path. Construction of 425 feet of sidewalk along West Pleasant Street — $67,000.
Camels Hump Middle School/Richmond Elementary School, Richmond: Construction of pavement marking and sign upgrades at School Street/Jericho Road intersection including a radar speed feedback sign for traffic approaching from the north — $25,000.
CP Smith School/JJ Flynn Elementary School, Burlington: Construction of improved pedestrian signals across North Avenue, adding pedestrian countdown indications at Shore Road, Woodbury Road and Ethan Allen Center. Construction of signalized pedestrian crossing at North Avenue/Plattsburg Avenue intersection — $48,503.
Dothan Brook School, Hartford: Construction of two school crosswalks across US Route 5 in Wilder village with related signs and short sidewalk connections to existing walks on Depot Street and Gillette Street. Installation of two radar speed feedback signs along US Route 5 — $51,900.
Fair Haven Grade School, Fair Haven: Feasibility study of new sidewalk on Cottage Street from school to River Street. Construction of bulb outs on North Main Street (VT Route 4A) and installation of flashing beacon school speed-zone signs on North Main Street and North Park Place — $69,300.
Franklin Central School, Franklin: Construction of 1305 feet of sidewalk on Square Road — $250,000.
Frederic Duclos Barstow Memorial School, Chittenden: Feasibility study of shared-use path/sidewalk along Chittenden Road — $20,000.
Hinesburg Community School, Hinesburg: Construction of 1000 feet of sidewalk along VT Route 116 from intersection with Charlotte Road to the school — $200,000.
Hyde Park Elementary School, Hyde Park: Installation of upgraded school area signs and pavement markings — $6,550.
Jericho Elementary School, Jericho: Construction of crosswalk enhancements and installation of radar speed feedback signs on VT Route 15. Construction of 1000 feet of sidewalk along VT Route 15 from school to Griswold Street — $148,300.
Main Street Middle School/Union Elementary School, Montpelier: Construction of curb extensions at intersections of Main/Franklin streets and Main/North streets. Installation of sign packages including radar speed feedback signs and school speed-zone flashing beacons at Main Street Middle School, and upgraded school zone signs. Provision of 10 in-street pedestrian signs for school crosswalks used by both schools — $101,696.
Marion Cross School, Norwich: Construction of 1000 feet of sidewalk along Church Street (US Route 5) connecting to the school. Installation of two radar speed feedback signs on Church Street — $164,749.
Mary Hogan Elementary School, Middlebury: Feasibility study of pedestrian and bicycle access within two-mile radius of schools — $10,700.
Northfield Elementary School, Northfield: Installation of upgraded school-area signs and pavement markings in the vicinity of the school — $7,000.
Orleans Elementary School, Orleans: Installation of upgraded school-area signs along School Street — $7,000.
Putney Central School, Putney: Construction of 385 feet of new sidewalks from existing crosswalk across Westminster Road to the school entrance. Installation of radar speed feedback signs on both approaches to existing crosswalk — $75,135.
Readsboro Central School, Readsboro: Feasibility study of Phelps Lane sidewalk. Construction of bulb out to improve existing Route 100 crosswalk and radar speed cart for use at various locations in village — $33,420.
St. Johnsbury School, St. Johnsbury: Construction of 215 feet of new sidewalk on Barker Avenue with a direct connection to the school. Installation of upgraded school signs and two radar speed feedback signs along Western Avenue (US Route 2) — $81,500.
State Street School, Windsor: Construction of 190 feet of relocated sidewalk and retaining wall near Kennedy pond. Construction of 150 feet of new sidewalk along eastern school driveway. Installation of 6 radar speed feedback signs — $200,398.
Williamstown Elementary School, Williamstown: Installation of upgraded school signs and radar speed feedback sign along Brush Hill Road and Brook Street (VT Route 64) — $17,000. |
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